
Faces pale with bliss, like evening stars
Fade away like a cloud in the horizon
Faint and distant as the light of a sun that has long set
Faintly, like a falling dew
Fair and fleet as a fawn
Fair as a star when only one is shining in the sky
Fallen like dead leaves on the highway
Falling away like a speck in space
Fanciful and extravagant as a caliph's dream
Fawning like dumb neglected lap-dogs
Felt her breath upon his cheek like a perfumed air
Fields of young grain and verdured pastures like crushed velvet
Fierce as a bear in defeat
Fierce as the flames
Fills life up like a cup with bubbling and sparkling liquor
Fit closely together as the close-set stones of a building
Fix'd like a beacon-tower above the waves of a tempest
Flame like a flag unfurled
Flap loose and slack like a drooping sail
Flashed with the brilliancy of a well-cut jewel
Fled like sweet dreams
Fleet as an arrow
Flitted like a sylph on wings
Flowers as soft as thoughts of budding love
Fluent as a rill, that wanders silver-footed down a hill
Fluid as thought
Fluttered like gilded butterflies in giddy mazes
Fragile as a spider's web
Free as the air, from zone to zone I flew
Free as the winds that caress
Fresh and unworn as the sea that breaks languidly beside them
Fresh as a jewel found but yesterday
Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail
Frightened like a child in the dark
Full-throated as the sea
Furious as eagles

Gazed like a star into the morning light
Glaring like noontide
Gleam like a diamond on a dancing girl
Glistening like threads of gold
Glitter like a swarm of fire-flies tangled in a silver braid
Glittering like an aigrette of stars
Gone astray as a sheep that is lost
Gone like a glow on the cloud at the close of day
Gone like tenants that quit without warning
Gorgeous as the hues of heaven
Grazing through a circulating library as contentedly as cattle in a fresh meadow
Great scarlet poppies lay in drifts and heaps, like bodies fallen there in vain assault

Hair as harsh as tropical grass and gray as ashes
Hangs like a blue thread loosen'd from the sky
Hard, sharp, and glittering as a sword
Harnessed men, like beasts of burden, drew it to the river-side
Haunts you like the memory of some former happiness
He began to laugh with that sibilant laugh that resembles the hiss of a serpent
He bent upon the lightning page like some rapt poet o'er his rhyme
He bolted down the stairs like a hare
He clatters like a windmill
He danced like a man in a swarm of hornets
He fell as falls some forest lion, fighting well
He fell down on my threshold like a wounded stag
He had acted exactly like an automaton
He lay as straight as a mummy
He lay like a warrior taking his rest
He lived as modestly as a hermit
He looked with the bland, expressionless stare of an overgrown baby
He played with grave questions as a cat plays with a mouse
He radiated vigor and abundance like a happy child
He sat down quaking like a jelly
He saw disaster like a ghostly figure following her
He snatched furiously at breath like a tiger snatching at meat
He spoke with a uniformity of emphasis that made his words stand out like the raised type for the blind
He swayed in the sudden grip of anger
He sweeps the field of battle like a monsoon
He that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed
He turned on me like a thunder-cloud
He turned white as chalk
He wandered restlessly through the house, like a prowling animal
He was as splendidly serious as a reformer
He was as steady as a clock
He was as wax in those clever hands
He was bold as the hawk
He was so weak now, like a shrunk cedar white with the hoar-frost
Hearts unfold like flowers before thee
Heavy was my heart as stone
Heeled like an avalanche to leeward
Her arms like slumber over my shoulders crept
Her banners like a thousand sunsets glow
Her beauty broke on him like some rare flower
Her beauty fervent as a fiery moon
Her breath is like a cloud
Her cheeks are like the blushing cloud
Her cheeks were wan and her eyes like coals
Her dusky cheek would burn like a poppy
Her expression changed with the rapidity of a kaleidoscope
Her eyes as bright as a blazing star
Her eyes as stars of twilight fair
Her eyes, glimmering star-like in her pale face
Her eyes were as a dove that sickens
Her face changed with each turn of their talk, like a wheat-field under a summer breeze
Her face collapsed as if it were a pricked balloon
Her face was as solemn as a mask
Her face was dull as lead
Her face was like a light
Her face was passionless, like those by sculptor graved for niches in a temple
Her hair dropped on her pallid cheeks, like sea-weed on a clam
Her hair hung down like summer twilight
Her hair shone like a nimbus
Her hair was like a coronet
Her hands are white as the virgin rose that she wore on her wedding day
Her hands like moonlight brush the keys
Her head dropped into her hands like a storm-broken flower
Her heart has grown icy as a fountain in the fall
Her holy love that like a vestal flame had burned
Her impulse came and went like fireflies in the dusk
Her lashes like fans upon her cheek
Her laugh is like a rainbow-tinted spray
Her lips are like two budded roses
Her lips like a lovely song that ripples as it flows
Her lips like twilight water
Her little lips are tremulous as brook-water is
Her long black hair danced round her like a snake
Her mouth as sweet as a ripe fig
Her neck is like a stately tower
Her pale robe clinging to the grass seemed like a snake
Her pulses flutter'd like a dove
Her skin was as the bark of birches
Her sweetness halting like a tardy May
Her two white hands like swans on a frozen lake
Her voice cut like a knife
Her voice like mournful bells crying on the wind
Her voice was like the voice the stars had when they sang together
Her voice was rich and vibrant, like the middle notes of a 'cello
Her words sounding like wavelets on a summer shore
Herding his thoughts as a collie dog herds sheep
Here and there a solitary volume greeted him like a friend in a crowd of strange faces
Here in statue-like repose, an old wrinkled mountain rose
Hers was the loveliness of some tall white lily cut in marble, splendid but chill
His bashfulness melted like a spring frost
His brow bent like a cliff o'er his thoughts
His cheeks were furrowed and twised like rain-washed crags
His eyes blazed like deep forests
His eyes glowed like blue coals
His eyes were hollows of madness, his hair like moldy hay
His face burnt like a brand
His face was glad as dawn to me
His face was often lit up by a smile like pale wintry sunshine
His fingers were knotted like a cord
His formal kiss fell chill as a flake of snow on the cheek
His fortune melted away like snow in a thaw
His glorious moments were strung like pearls upon a string
His indifference fell from him like a garment
His invectives and vituperations bite and flay like steel whips
His mind murmurs like a harp among the trees
His mind was like a lonely wild
His mind was like a summer sky
His nerves thrilled like throbbing violins
His retort was like a knife-cut across the sinews
His revenge descends perfect, sudden, like a curse from heaven
His spirits sank like a stone
His talk is like an incessant play of fireworks
His voice is as the thin faint song when the wind wearily sighs in the grass
His voice rose like a stream of rich distilled perfumes
His voice was like the clap of thunder that interrupts the warbling birds among the leaves
His whole soul wavered and shook like a wind-swept leaf
His words gave a curious satisfaction, as when a coin, tested, rings true gold
Hopeful as the break of day
How like a saint she sleeps
How like a winter hath my absence been
How like the sky she bends over her child
Howling in the wilderness like beasts
Huge as a hippopotamus
Humming-birds like lake of purple fire
Hushed as the grave
Hushed like a breathless lyre
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