
Future of Democracy in India

“Community, interest, and library we won’t organize any black man to be democrat and Republican because both of them have sold us out. Both of them have sold us out; both parties have sold us out. Both parties are racist, and Democratic Party is more racist than Republican Party.”              
— Malcolm X —
What is the means of democracy? And democratic system is used in which countries? And were firstly started democratic system?
Democracy is a Greek word, which ‘demo’ does mean “ruling a party”, Jawaharlal Nehru was firstly elected as the prime minister of India according to democratic system, and ruled in India for long standing-time after democratic country. And Jawaharlal Nehru preached some precious words after being prime minister in his first electrifying speech over the ‘democracy’ that, the election is the choice of people for overcoming their country by their messianic hopes, and to touch the ranging eager in mind of them since five years and if we will not scratch our head on the importance of it, then democratic system will be changed as the dictatorship system.  India has a largest democracy in the world, and everybody have right to vote those are above the 18 years, and different countries have democratic system like, Russia, Japan, and the democratic system firstly used in the constitution of Greek, and the elected representatives take the five years period for which they are elected as lease for freedom in which they can do whatever they like and this exactly is what we see today in India. If we take the pre-retrial remarks of- former chief election commissioner- Mr. Lyngdoh seriously we’d have to infer that real democracy is still to take roots in India.
India became as independence after paying out more struggle and high-adrenaline of heart, and after gushing relentless blood on the earth, and all earth was jam-packed and filled with red water like, in Jaliana wala Bagh only this blood was squandered for right of democracy and to make India as a democratic country, and after achieving independence of India became a largest and strongest democratic country.
Correspondingly, they lost their innocents and some their parents and they preferred losing of their innocents for making as democratic country, and to hear the sobbing heart out of control their beloved children was a dampen the spirits and disheartening but, Alas ….Alas… they spent their herculean tasks for making democracy after having stones on their heart and saved us and escaped by linking British’s feet.
Perilous of Indian democracy in future
Actually, democracy is used for weighing the decision and to overcome country and to reach it on the high summit and crest of mountain. But after the election, ministers exploit, misusing the ignorance, live in darkness and weighed down with the craving of this world. Democracy may still be danger in India only one positive thing one can say about Indian democracy is that mostly the freedom of the press is there in this country which enables the common people to express their voice even if it is not always heard by the authorities concerned. The Indian democracy is endangered from several angles. There are so many communal forces in our country. The politicians and the bureaucrats are all by and large model of corruption.
Nevertheless, the elected ministers are unaware and below the radar for eliminating and eradicating the terror groups and to develop the education system as if, education system is the basic of development, and it is a big reason for thrashing our country in often fields, ministers don’t ponder and think about learning in school and performance of teachers like, in Rajasthan,( ‘Lexicon of democratic literacy’ Jan 5) and as if, the possession of education is essential for doing triumph our country.
Really, if the pages of history are riddled with example of banes in Indian democracy that, it will be hazardous and treacherous  in future because of spending and frittering away the tremendous of  money in election but, our elders have made as independence  our nation to have the trace of successes and victory after jetting and flowing  an amount of blood but, in the modern period for electing, they are spending a lot of money and humungous of  wealth, and all illiterates vote on their spending money and wealth and on their attractive and spectacular slogans and on their promises but they are off the radar screen about successes and triumph of our country and government plays the race card in the election. And voting of them are thrashing and criminating the triumph and coup of India and staggering, stirring and messianic hopes of good people-those scratch their mind on prevailing for our nation.
Idea of great personality
Democracy is a form of government that has been defined variously by different thinkers. Abraham Lincoln, president of United State America, described democracy as “the government of people, by the people, for the people”. Mahatma Gandhi’s notion of democracy was that under it the weakest would have the same opportunities as the strongest.
Similarly, Aristotle once said: “democracy is the form of government in which…….. The free are the many and the rich are few”. This highlights a paradox of democracy in that it attempts to be equal to all, yet often the rich will get richer and poorer get poorer and increasing wealth divide will influence government.

The suggestions of people are messianic opinions for society about future of democracy in India, that may be dangerous, because prime ministers are not elected with good decision of people but guzzled them toxic with mixing in water –those gave the messianic hopes- and made not extreme useful for our nation, so more ministers get in touch with biggest company and take helps with them and raise the prices after electing as prime ministers.
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